Probaply we again have to start right from the beginning.

But i feel our approach is still good.

Our goal is :

To create a tool, that use the huge potential of the internet, to connect people and share knowledge and datas, to enable people, plan, organize and accomplish projects (like collaboration-software)->BUT with an attractive, well conceived and first of all simple design, for the facebook-generation, with an subtile backround of actionism (social, ecological, political projects).

I think, beside the two “spheres” work world and private life more and more there will be a third: the social actionism (actual examples are urban farming, self-organizied bars, community supported agriculture etc.:

it’s an intersection, where you can share your professional skills and social atributes in an context of cooperation. This group would be my “target group”, because both in the private world and the business: egoism rules. And very often in groups, cooperations, organizations of “strangers with a good will”: true togetherness appears.

Let us create a cooperation tool.

on one’s own account:

my english is not the best. is there someone, who would like to revise my posts?