We have two cerebral  hemispheres, the left and the right. Both have different functions:

As you can see, the left hemisphere is the part of structure, clear information and text. The right side is creativ, chaotic, artistical. The main design of websites are definitly for the light hemisphere: it has a straight logic format, lines, letters, lists etc.
But our artistic, creative and holistic mind of the right site is neglected.
To use both parts of the brain, it is usefull to work with mindmaps.
It was invented by an british Psychologist to implement all qualities of our brain.

If we create contend with the format of mindmap, we work with both sides of our brain. It is much easier to handle and process information and contend. Groups who are organized like this modell are much more effective.

From the first brainstroming until the last presentation, we can organize databases and projects much better and we oversee in one view the whole thing. We can realize very fast which part we can change and update, where we have to work and develop.